was great. i got a haircut, and then had two beers and a shot of Glenfiddich. i don’t usually drink during lunch (except for a beer or two at most), but today i felt like a shot before heading back to work.

it was worth it. having been to the gym 2 of the last 3 days and running 5 miles on only 3 hours of sleep, it was nice to unwind a bit. (there were a lot of numbers in that sentence :D)

now i have about 2 1/2 hours left ’til i go home … then another 3 12 hour shifts to work til i’m done with this terrible fucking company. thanks VIA for not picking me up in JPAS, thus making 4 fucking months for my clearance to transfer not enough. absolutely ridiculous. now, the other company that’s hiring laid-off VIA and HP employees won’t hire me. basically, because my current company doesn’t know shit about government contracts.

maybe if i’d stayed the same way i was in the military and made absolutely sure the job got done, this wouldn’t have happened. but, other forces in my life made me question myself, and i decided to be a nicer, kinder Matt for a bit. now that i’ve been fucked over by VIA, i’m beginning to lose faith in others again. maybe i have to refine and improve my methods for deciding to trusting people again.

oh well … another 38.5 hours to waste here at VIA. i’ll definitely be drinking tonight and this weekend, so i’ll definitely be tired at work the next couple days … then again, they’ve transitioned all of the work from here to the Houston help desk, so what does it matter anyway?

til next time, i’m out.