I noticed there was a WordPress update (3,8), so while fixing some other stuff on the site I decided to apply that as dessert after taking care of the redirection problems. After installing, I found a new theme, aptly titled “Twenty Fourteen”. A live preview looked good, so I decided to make it the default. I customized the previous theme (Serene – link) quite a bit, so I’ll have to redo some of that, but all in all I think it’s a nice, clean alternative. I’m not completely sold on the green at the top, but that’s an easy s/#0F0/#XYZ in the WordPress directory.
Also, it finally made the video posts show up correctly on the front page (iFrames and WP embedded).
Another addition I see is the “Aside” format. Marking this one an “aside”, even though I don’t usually have much more in depth articles lately.
Edit: reworded some repetitive repetitions of too many words.