You’re not so cool when…
moldvanm (1:46:45 PM): col, thx moldvanm (1:46:46 PM): cool* moldvanm (1:46:59 PM): you’re not so cool when you
Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative.
moldvanm (1:46:45 PM): col, thx moldvanm (1:46:46 PM): cool* moldvanm (1:46:59 PM): you’re not so cool when you
See more funny videos and funny pictures at CollegeHumor.
From a article on the most retarded ways celebrities have tried to save water. The very last part sounds like
If only I had Shakespearean verbal grace of “BigLee” … – Watch more free
I officially love the Foggy Monocle. Thanks for hours of enjoyment, whoever the hell you are. For a gentleman the
has house full of old ladies. LOL. found that amusing.
My favorite is Skeletor at the end saying “Shake that laffy taffy”… great stuff. See more funny videos at
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