I’m doing a project on UDDI with PHP, but the resources available are terrible. Maybe once I get something working I’ll publish the code somewhere … for now, here are some links I shouldn’t lose.
First solution: nothing was working with jUDDI. So after a bit of scouring, I found that Java 1.6 will hose it up. Sucks, but switching to a version 1.5 I had installed fixed it. I’m running Tomcat on Winblows (have to have it installed on my laptop and no time to install Fedora Core on it yet), so it was pretty easy to change which version Tomcat starts up with. Start->Run->Programs->Apache Tomcat…->Configure Tomcat, then under the Java tab, changed the location of the Java VM binary (C:Program FilesJavajre1.5.0_11binclientjvm.dll for me). Then I finally got a valid response back at http://localhost:8080/juddi/console for a get_authToken call. Maybe now I can actually get started on my freaking project. >:|
thanks for the mention mate !!
am new in java and am working with java 1.6 now, the juddi happy but the get_authToken not valid, if I switch to java 1.5 the problem will be solved? if yes can u send me direct link I can download java 1.5 from it I know this sealy thing but am bad on java.
thanks a lot
You’re going to have to find the download link yourself … I’m not in the business of doing other people’s research for them. http://www.google.com is your friend. Search for Java 1.5 Runtime Edition (JRE 1.5). Install it to a different location then point your Tomcat config to that new install path …